PowerShell can be easily used to export data from Microsoft SQL server table to CSV file. This task can be done by combination of 2 PowerShell cmdlets Invoke-Sqlcmd and Export-Csv:
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance . -Database AdventureWorks -Query "SELECT AccountNumber, Name, CreditRating FROM Purchasing.Vendor" | Export-Csv -Path Vendor.csv -NoTypeInformation
Content of exported CSV file can be displayed by following PowerShell command:
Get-Content .\Vendor.csv | Select-Object -First 5
"AUSTRALI0001","Australia Bike Retailer","1"
"ALLENSON0001","Allenson Cycles","2"
"ADVANCED0001","Advanced Bicycles","1"
"TRIKES0001","Trikes, Inc.","2"
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