Convert Excel to HTML using PowerShell

Conversion from Excel to HTML can be done by combination of Import-Excel from PowerShell module ImportExcel and ConvertTo-Html cmdlet. Lets use Excel file generated in previous post. Conversion is done by one-liner:

Import-Excel .\Services.xlsx | ConvertTo-Html

Output is:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>HTML TABLE</title>
<tr><td>AMD Crash Defender Service</td><td>Running</td><td>Automatic</td></tr>
<tr><td>AMD External Events Utility</td><td>Running</td><td>Automatic</td></tr>

If we want to save HTML directly into file, Out-File cmdlet is added:

Import-Excel .\Services.xlsx | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File Services.html -Encoding utf8

Convert to Base64 encoded string using PowerShell one-liner

PowerShell doesn’t provide built-in cmdlets for conversion from string to Base64 encoded string. This task can be done by combination of .NET methods Encoding.GetBytes and Convert.ToBase64String. PowerShell one-liner is then simple:


We can even omit System namespace to simplify one-liner:


Output is Base64 encoded string:


More about using .NET in PowerShell can be found in documentation.