Export data from Microsoft SQL Server table to JSON using PowerShell

In previous post I wrote about exporting data from Microsoft SQL server table to CSV file. Export to JSON format is similar:

Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance . -Database AdventureWorks -Query "SELECT TOP 3 AccountNumber, Name, CreditRating FROM Purchasing.Vendor" `
    | Select-Object AccountNumber, Name, CreditRating `
    | ConvertTo-Json `
    | Out-File -FilePath Vendor.json -Encoding utf8

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Content of exported JSON file is:

        "AccountNumber":  "AUSTRALI0001",
        "Name":  "Australia Bike Retailer",
        "CreditRating":  1
        "AccountNumber":  "ALLENSON0001",
        "Name":  "Allenson Cycles",
        "CreditRating":  2
        "AccountNumber":  "ADVANCED0001",
        "Name":  "Advanced Bicycles",
        "CreditRating":  1

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Export data from Microsoft SQL Server table to CSV using PowerShell

PowerShell can be easily used to export data from Microsoft SQL server table to CSV file. This task can be done by combination of 2 PowerShell cmdlets Invoke-Sqlcmd and Export-Csv:

Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance . -Database AdventureWorks -Query "SELECT AccountNumber, Name, CreditRating FROM Purchasing.Vendor" | Export-Csv -Path Vendor.csv -NoTypeInformation

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Content of exported CSV file can be displayed by following PowerShell command:

Get-Content .\Vendor.csv | Select-Object -First 5

"AUSTRALI0001","Australia Bike Retailer","1"
"ALLENSON0001","Allenson Cycles","2"
"ADVANCED0001","Advanced Bicycles","1"
"TRIKES0001","Trikes, Inc.","2"

If you are interested in PowerShell automation, take my Udemy course Improve your productivity with PowerShell.

Convert Windows service to Azure Function

In the past I wrote a post how to migrate Windows service to Azure using Azure WebJobs. Another option for migration of Windows service to Azure is to use Azure Functions.

Udemy course: Migrate Windows service to Azure

Windows service I want to migrate to Azure acts as runtime for execution of scheduled jobs using Timer, which run every 60 seconds to execute scheduled jobs. JobSchedulerService execute JobExecutor.Execute() method every 60 seconds as visible in source code of Windows service:

public partial class JobSchedulerService : ServiceBase
    private Timer timer;

    public JobSchedulerService()

    protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
        timer = new Timer();
        timer.Elapsed += OnTimer;
        timer.Interval = 60 * 1000;

    protected override void OnStop()

    private void OnTimer(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)

To convert Windows service to Azure Function, add new project to Visual Studio solution:

Visual Studio - Add a new project

Select Azure Functions v1 (.NET Framework) as version, because Windows service is build on .NET Framework 4.7.2. Then select Timer trigger, none Storage Account and enter schedule “0 * * * * *”, which is CRON expression for triggering run every 60 seconds.

Visual Studio - Create a new Azure Functions Application

Code changes in function are simple, only call of JobExecutor.Execute() is added into Run method:

public static class JobSchedulerFunction
    public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 * * * * *")]TimerInfo timer, TraceWriter log)

Next step is to create Azure resources to run Azure Function using Azure CLI:

# Before running this script check if Application Insights extension is installed:
# az extension show --name application-insights
# If not installed, install it by:
# az extension add --name application-insights

az group create --name WinServiceToAzureTest --location westeurope

az storage account create --resource-group WinServiceToAzureTest --name winservicetoazuretest --sku Standard_LRS --kind StorageV2
az monitor app-insights component create --resource-group WinServiceToAzureTest --app WinServiceToAzureTest --location westeurope --kind web

az functionapp create --name WinServiceToAzureTest --resource-group WinServiceToAzureTest --storage-account winservicetoazuretest --app-insights WinServiceToAzureTest --consumption-plan-location westeurope --runtime dotnet
az functionapp config appsettings set --name WinServiceToAzureTest --resource-group WinServiceToAzureTest --settings "FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION=~1"

After finishing of run is created new Resource Group, Storage Account, Application Insights and finally Function App. Important part is here to set Azure Functions runtime to version 1 using application setting FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION.
Deployment of Azure Functions to Azure can be done by combination of PowerShell and Azure CLI:

Compress-Archive -Path .\bin\Release\net472\* -DestinationPath WindowsServiceToAzure.Job.Function.zip
az functionapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group WinServiceToAzureTest --name WinServiceToAzureTest --src .\WindowsServiceToAzure.Job.Function.zip

After deployment is Azure Function running, which is visible on Function App dashboard:

Azure Portal - Function App

Azure Function integration diagram displays function input and outputs:

Azure Portal - Function Integration

Detailed logs about the activity of Azure Function is visible in monitor:

Azure Portal - Function Monitor

Cleanup of used Azure resources can be done using Azure CLI:

az group delete --name WinServiceToAzureTest --yes -y

If you are interested in Windows services and how to migrate them to Azure, take my Udemy course Migrate Windows service to Azure.

Create infrastructure for Azure WebJob using PowerShell

Azure infrastructure for Azure WebJob consists from following resources:

  • App Service Plan – scalable cluster of web servers
  • Web App – hosting environment running on App Service plan
  • Storage Account – stores data about Azure WebJob execution
  • Application Insights – monitoring

All there resources can be created using following PowerShell script:

    $resourceGroup = $(throw "Resource group is required"),
    $location = "westeurope"

$resourceGroupLower = $resourceGroup.ToLower()

New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -ErrorAction Stop

New-AzAppServicePlan -Name $resourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
    -Location $location -Tier Basic -WorkerSize Small -NumberofWorkers 1 -ErrorAction Stop

New-AzWebApp -Name $resourceGroupLower -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
    -Location $location -AppServicePlan $resourceGroup -ErrorAction Stop

New-AzStorageAccount -Name $resourceGroupLower -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
    -Location $location -SkuName Standard_LRS -Kind StorageV2 -ErrorAction Stop

New-AzApplicationInsights -Name $resourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
    -Location $location -Kind web -ErrorAction Stop

PowerShell script has following parameters:

  • $resourceGroup – resource group name
  • $location – location name with West Europe as default value

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Manage Windows service using PowerShell

Windows service can be managed using few PowerShell cmdlets.

Udemy course: Migrate Windows service to Azure

Install Windows service into operating system:

New-Service -BinaryPathName .\PathTo\MyWinService.exe -Name MyWinService `
            -DisplayName "My Windows Service" -StartupType Automatic

List installed Windows services using wildcard:

Get-Service *my*

Get Windows service by name:

Get-Service MyWinService

Start Windows service:

Start-Service MyWinService


Get-Service MyWinService | Start-Service

Run Service Management Console to check in UI whether Windows service is installed and running:


Stop Windows service:

Stop-Service MyWinService


Get-Service MyWinService | Stop-Service

Uninstall Windows service from operating system in PowerShell 5.0 or previous:

(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='MyWinService'").Delete()

Uninstall Windows service from operating system in PowerShell 6.0 or later:

Remove-Service MyWinService

If you are interested in Windows services and how to migrate them to Azure, take my Udemy course Migrate Windows service to Azure.